PDC Hydrogen Compression System

PDC Machines について


PDC Machines 社の使命は、世界のクリーンエネルギーへの移行をリードすることです。私たちは、消費者、産業界、企業がガソリンエンジンを捨ててゼロミッションの燃料電池に移行できるよう、最先端の水素ガス圧縮技術を提供しています。市場をリードする PDC のコンプレッサーは、40年以上にわたり、業界ガス会社に選ばれています。今日、当社は再生エネルギー企業に最先端のソリューションを提供する重要なサプライヤーとなっています。私たちの目的は、世界に対して永続的なプラスの影響を与えることです。さらに、私たちの地域社会のため、私たちの地球のため、次の世代のために、すべてを実現させるのです。


diapheagm compressor


PDC Machines は、ダイヤフラムコンプレッサー技術における世界のリーダーです。当社の三層式ダイヤフラムコンプレッサーは、気密性、高純度ガス圧縮が要求される用途に最適です。世界中のほぼすべての産業で使用されています。これには特殊ガス、石油・ガス、化学、石油化学、研究および再生可能エネルギー産業が含まれますが、これらに限定されるものではありません。車両用エネルギー源としての水素については、乗用車、バス、運搬車、大型トラックなどさまざまなモビリティ用途に対応したコンプレッサーを豊富にラインアップしています。水素発電業界向けには、エネルギー貯蔵用のコンプレッサーを提供しています。当社のコンプレッサーは、産業用から脱炭素まで幅広い用途に対応するトップブランドとして、世界 5大陸 56 か国で信頼を得ています。 さらに詳しく


SimpleFuel™ Refueling System(燃料補給システム)

SimpleFuel™ は当社の小型水素充填ステーションです。電解槽、精製装置、ダイヤフラムコンプレッサー、ガス貯蔵装置、ディスペンサーを一体化した「箱の中の」充填装置です。SimpleFuel™ は一般的な超大型ステーションを設置することなく燃料電池車への燃料補給を可能にし、水素の普及を支える水素インフラの拡張を可能にします。SimpleFuel™ は一日最大 20kg の水素を製造することができます。小型車やフォークリフトの小規模なフリートにも対応できます。 さらに詳しく



当社はターンキー方式の水素充填ステーション(HRS)を提供します。充填ステーションには圧縮、貯蔵、冷却、分配、安全制御、工場認証が含まれています。部品は標準ビルディングブロックから選択され、フリート要件に適合しています。PDC の HRS デザインは、柔軟でモジュール化されているため、将来的に車両が増えた場合でも、HRS は容易に増加に対応することができます。 さらに詳しく





Executive Chairman

カリーム・アフザル(Kareem Afzal )は、 PDC Machines の Executive Chairman であり、24 年以上勤務しており、アフザルファミリー財団の理事長でもあります。カリームは、PDC を世界有数の水素企業にすることに貢献し、事業を通して豊かな未来のためにグリーンエネルギー経済の構築を目指しています。カリームの率いる PDC は、ローカル企業から完全に世界的な企業へと成長しています。Arcline Investment Management 社のポートフォリオに参加することで、PDC の家族経営と従業員や地域社会への貢献を守りながら、真の規模拡張を続けています。時間のある時は、長距離のランナーとして走り、フィラデルフィア・イーグルスのファンでもあります。


カリーム・アフザル(Kareem Afzal )は、 PDC Machines の Executive Chairman であり、24 年以上勤務しており、アフザルファミリー財団の理事長でもあります。カリームは、PDC を世界有数の水素企業にすることに貢献し、事業を通して豊かな未来のためにグリーンエネルギー経済の構築を目指しています。カリームの率いる PDC は、ローカル企業から完全に世界的な企業へと成長しています。Arcline Investment Management 社のポートフォリオに参加することで、PDC の家族経営と従業員や地域社会への貢献を守りながら、真の規模拡張を続けています。時間のある時は、長距離のランナーとして走り、フィラデルフィア・イーグルスのファンでもあります。

PDC Machines Bree McQuillan - Chief Executive Officer photo



Chief Executive Officer

Bree McQuillan joins PDC Machines with 20 years of experience with global manufacturing companies in the aerospace, automotive, HVAC and industrial markets. She has held various executive leadership positions across sales, customer service, marketing, strategy, product management, engineering and operations. She has successfully developed and transformed organizations to become proactive solution providers focused on uptime reliability and superior customer service. Bree holds an MBA from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and a BS in Industrial Engineering from Rutgers University.

PDC Machines Bree McQuillan - Chief Executive Officer photo

Bree McQuillan joins PDC Machines with 20 years of experience with global manufacturing companies in the aerospace, automotive, HVAC and industrial markets. She has held various executive leadership positions across sales, customer service, marketing, strategy, product management, engineering and operations. She has successfully developed and transformed organizations to become proactive solution providers focused on uptime reliability and superior customer service. Bree holds an MBA from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and a BS in Industrial Engineering from Rutgers University.

PDC Machines Jon Fisher - Chief Financial Officer photo


Jon Fisher

CFO (最高財務責任者)

Jon is an experienced finance executive with leadership roles in the manufacturing industry over the past decade. He is skilled in financial accounting and reporting, treasury and cost management, system integration, and process implementation. He also has a long track record of building high performance teams, driving improvement, team building, and people development.

PDC Machines Jon Fisher - Chief Financial Officer photo

Jon is an experienced finance executive with leadership roles in the manufacturing industry over the past decade. He is skilled in financial accounting and reporting, treasury and cost management, system integration, and process implementation. He also has a long track record of building high performance teams, driving improvement, team building, and people development.

Mike Ciotti PDC Machines


Mike Ciotti

Senior VP of Product

Michael joined PDC after 25 years in the industrial gas industry serving various engineering and management roles with global responsibility. During that time, he spent the last 18 years developing projects and designing hydrogen fueling stations for material handling, light duty, and heavy duty vehicles, for which PDC products played an integral role. He brings extensive knowledge about the growing market for a diversity of solutions to fuel zero emissions vehicles, and valuable experience within the hydrogen energy ecosystem. Michael is a Drexel University graduate with a BS in Materials Science and Engineering is active in the development of NFPA and CGA codes and standards for the safe use of hydrogen.

Mike Ciotti PDC Machines

Michael joined PDC after 25 years in the industrial gas industry serving various engineering and management roles with global responsibility. During that time, he spent the last 18 years developing projects and designing hydrogen fueling stations for material handling, light duty, and heavy duty vehicles, for which PDC products played an integral role. He brings extensive knowledge about the growing market for a diversity of solutions to fuel zero emissions vehicles, and valuable experience within the hydrogen energy ecosystem. Michael is a Drexel University graduate with a BS in Materials Science and Engineering is active in the development of NFPA and CGA codes and standards for the safe use of hydrogen.

PDC Machines VP of Engineering Rick Pollick photo


Rick Pollick

VP of Engineering

Rick joined PDC Machines in 2022 and brings over 30 years of experience in engineering and business leadership roles in various industries, including sealless pumps for Naval Nuclear equipment, robotics for DOE applications, high speed precision assembly equipment, aircraft countermeasures, and gas bearings used in high-speed rotating equipment. With a passion for developing new products, and as a named inventor on 19 patents, Rick has led engineering teams by fostering a culture of innovation and operational excellence. Rick is a graduate of Penn State University with a B.S in Mechanical Engineering, and also has an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh.

PDC Machines VP of Engineering Rick Pollick photo

Rick joined PDC Machines in 2022 and brings over 30 years of experience in engineering and business leadership roles in various industries, including sealless pumps for Naval Nuclear equipment, robotics for DOE applications, high speed precision assembly equipment, aircraft countermeasures, and gas bearings used in high-speed rotating equipment. With a passion for developing new products, and as a named inventor on 19 patents, Rick has led engineering teams by fostering a culture of innovation and operational excellence. Rick is a graduate of Penn State University with a B.S in Mechanical Engineering, and also has an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh.

PDC Machines Darren Prosser - Director of Global Sales photo


Darren Prosser

Senior Director of Global Sales

Darren joined PDC Machines in 2024, bringing along 27+ years of experience that spans leadership roles in engineering, manufacturing, sales and service. He is a results-driven leader with a proven track record for improving workflow efficiencies, developing productive customer-oriented processes, and fostering sustainable business growth. Throughout his career, Darren has worked with various types of rotating equipment and turbo-machinery from both an engineering and commercial vantage points. He has extensive business planning expertise with experience across various disciplines, including P&L and Cost-center management, proposal and commercial management, strategy development, goal and metric setting, and acquisitions.

PDC Machines Darren Prosser - Director of Global Sales photo

Darren joined PDC Machines in 2024, bringing along 27+ years of experience that spans leadership roles in engineering, manufacturing, sales and service. He is a results-driven leader with a proven track record for improving workflow efficiencies, developing productive customer-oriented processes, and fostering sustainable business growth. Throughout his career, Darren has worked with various types of rotating equipment and turbo-machinery from both an engineering and commercial vantage points. He has extensive business planning expertise with experience across various disciplines, including P&L and Cost-center management, proposal and commercial management, strategy development, goal and metric setting, and acquisitions.





ジェイソン・チョウ(Jason Chow)は 2015 年 11月に PDC 上海オフィスを設立しました。ジェイソンはGardner Denver 社ではセールスマネージャーとして、CompAir 社ではセールスエンジニアとして働いていました。コンプレッサー業界で 11 年以上の経験を持ち、レシプロ、スクリュー、そして現在は PDC でダイヤフラムコンプレッサーを扱っています。石油、ガス、石油化学、特殊ガス、代替エネルギー業界などの顧客と緊密に連携してきました。


ジェイソン・チョウ(Jason Chow)は 2015 年 11月に PDC 上海オフィスを設立しました。ジェイソンはGardner Denver 社ではセールスマネージャーとして、CompAir 社ではセールスエンジニアとして働いていました。コンプレッサー業界で 11 年以上の経験を持ち、レシプロ、スクリュー、そして現在は PDC でダイヤフラムコンプレッサーを扱っています。石油、ガス、石油化学、特殊ガス、代替エネルギー業界などの顧客と緊密に連携してきました。




メイソン・リー(Mason Lee)は、1980 年に延世大学で電気工学を専攻、卒業しました。2018 年に韓国 PDC オフィスを設立。韓国では 15 年以上、PPI 社の代理店としてダイヤフラム圧縮システムの販売とサービスに従事しました。石油・ガス、石油化学、特殊ガス、代替エネルギー産業などの顧客と緊密に連携していました。


メイソン・リー(Mason Lee)は、1980 年に延世大学で電気工学を専攻、卒業しました。2018 年に韓国 PDC オフィスを設立。韓国では 15 年以上、PPI 社の代理店としてダイヤフラム圧縮システムの販売とサービスに従事しました。石油・ガス、石油化学、特殊ガス、代替エネルギー産業などの顧客と緊密に連携していました。

PDC Machines Mario Otsuka - Country Manager Japan photo


Mario Otsuka

Mario Otsuka has proven experience in business development, and in launching compressor manufacturing organizations and growing them to scale. He is a dedicated leader, driving the global aftermarket business to maximize engineering support for compressors and industrial machines. Mario works directly with local Japanese Stakeholders, including HRS operators and suppliers, to establish long-term relationships and garner mutually beneficial partnerships.

PDC Machines Mario Otsuka - Country Manager Japan photo

Mario Otsuka has proven experience in business development, and in launching compressor manufacturing organizations and growing them to scale. He is a dedicated leader, driving the global aftermarket business to maximize engineering support for compressors and industrial machines. Mario works directly with local Japanese Stakeholders, including HRS operators and suppliers, to establish long-term relationships and garner mutually beneficial partnerships.

PDC Machines Timothy Meyers photo



ティム・メイヤーズ(Timothy Meyers )は、オーストラリアのカントリーマネージャーとして PDC に加わりました。MAN Energy Solutions. で 11 年以上、電力業界の営業と事業開発に携わってきました。2018 年にオーストラリアに戻るまで、10 年間ドイツに居住して仕事をしていました。カリブ海地域のセールスマネージャーを務めるなど、すべての大陸で発電所プロジェクトに携わりました。電力業界に入る前に、石油・ガス、パイプライン、製造業界で 4 年以上の経験があります。

PDC Machines Timothy Meyers photo

ティム・メイヤーズ(Timothy Meyers )は、オーストラリアのカントリーマネージャーとして PDC に加わりました。MAN Energy Solutions. で 11 年以上、電力業界の営業と事業開発に携わってきました。2018 年にオーストラリアに戻るまで、10 年間ドイツに居住して仕事をしていました。カリブ海地域のセールスマネージャーを務めるなど、すべての大陸で発電所プロジェクトに携わりました。電力業界に入る前に、石油・ガス、パイプライン、製造業界で 4 年以上の経験があります。




クレア・ジョンソン(Claire Johnson)は、水素に特化したコンサルタント会社、Hydrolytics の専務取締役であり、戦略、政府対応、コミュニケーション、開発プロジェクトを通じて、オーストラリアの新興水素セクターを推進する官民セクターを支援しています。水素モビリティに特化し、Hyundai、 Hyzon、トヨタなどの自動車業界の顧客と協働して、燃料電池電気自動車の市場を成長・発展させています。前職は、オーストラリア水素産業の最高機関であるオーストラリア水素協議会初代 CEOであり、同組織をオーストラリア国内で水素のトップ企業へと成長させました。水素との出会いは、トヨタで、「トヨタ Mirai」を導入して業界エンゲージメントプログラムのリーダーとして仕事をしていた時でした。クレアは、オーストラリアの未来に向けて、持続可能な水素経済とゼロエミッション輸送の実現を熱烈に発信し続けています。




クレア・ジョンソン(Claire Johnson)は、水素に特化したコンサルタント会社、Hydrolytics の専務取締役であり、戦略、政府対応、コミュニケーション、開発プロジェクトを通じて、オーストラリアの新興水素セクターを推進する官民セクターを支援しています。水素モビリティに特化し、Hyundai、 Hyzon、トヨタなどの自動車業界の顧客と協働して、燃料電池電気自動車の市場を成長・発展させています。前職は、オーストラリア水素産業の最高機関であるオーストラリア水素協議会初代 CEOであり、同組織をオーストラリア国内で水素のトップ企業へと成長させました。水素との出会いは、トヨタで、「トヨタ Mirai」を導入して業界エンゲージメントプログラムのリーダーとして仕事をしていた時でした。クレアは、オーストラリアの未来に向けて、持続可能な水素経済とゼロエミッション輸送の実現を熱烈に発信し続けています。

Sakib Kahn PDC Machines Advisory Board member photo

Sakib Khan

Dr Sakib Khan is a senior management professional with over two decades of experience in the global hydrogen, fuel cell, clean energy, e-mobility, and telecommunications industries. Over his career, he has worked with some of the leading organisations in these industries globally and advised governments. In addition, he has a strong emerging market focus, particularly in Africa. Sakib was responsible for the first fuel cell installations in real-world applications in South Africa, including healthcare, water monitoring and energy provision. Because of this experience, he was invited to be part of the core planning team that developed South Africa’s first hydrogen and fuel cell strategy. Sakib holds a BSc (Hons) in chemistry, medicinal chemistry and chemical technology (UK) and his doctorate research focussed on investigating fuel cell electrolyte materials using computational modelling techniques (UK). Based in Johannesburg, South Africa, Sakib heads up Enerleq, a consultancy he founded with a strong focus on developing the hydrogen economy throughout the continent.
Sakib Kahn PDC Machines Advisory Board member photo

Sakib Khan

Sakib Kahn PDC Machines Advisory Board member photo

Sakib Khan

Dr Sakib Khan is a senior management professional with over two decades of experience in the global hydrogen, fuel cell, clean energy, e-mobility, and telecommunications industries. Over his career, he has worked with some of the leading organisations in these industries globally and advised governments. In addition, he has a strong emerging market focus, particularly in Africa. Sakib was responsible for the first fuel cell installations in real-world applications in South Africa, including healthcare, water monitoring and energy provision. Because of this experience, he was invited to be part of the core planning team that developed South Africa’s first hydrogen and fuel cell strategy. Sakib holds a BSc (Hons) in chemistry, medicinal chemistry and chemical technology (UK) and his doctorate research focussed on investigating fuel cell electrolyte materials using computational modelling techniques (UK). Based in Johannesburg, South Africa, Sakib heads up Enerleq, a consultancy he founded with a strong focus on developing the hydrogen economy throughout the continent.



モリー・マーコウィッツ(Morry Markowitz )は燃料電池・水素エネルギー協会の前会長兼 CEO です。政府対応およびコミュニケーション面での豊富な経験を生かし、首都および全米での協会の支援活動を牽引しました。エネルギーおよび自動車分野での幅広い専門知識を持ち、20 年以上にわたる上級管理職の経験もあります。米国エネルギー省水素技術諮問委員会(HTAC)、米国商務省再生エネルギーおよびエネルギー効率諮問委員会委員を歴任。また、水素・燃料電池セミナーの理事も務めています。FCHEA に来る前には、エジソン電気協会(EEI)で渉外担当グループディレクターとして働いていました。EE I勤務以前は、国際自動車工業協会の広報担当常務を務めています。国会議事堂の他、政府の行政機関でも働いた経験があります。ジョージ・ワシントン大学を卒業し、ジョージ・メイソン法科大学で法律の学士を取得しています。




モリー・マーコウィッツ(Morry Markowitz )は燃料電池・水素エネルギー協会の前会長兼 CEO です。政府対応およびコミュニケーション面での豊富な経験を生かし、首都および全米での協会の支援活動を牽引しました。エネルギーおよび自動車分野での幅広い専門知識を持ち、20 年以上にわたる上級管理職の経験もあります。米国エネルギー省水素技術諮問委員会(HTAC)、米国商務省再生エネルギーおよびエネルギー効率諮問委員会委員を歴任。また、水素・燃料電池セミナーの理事も務めています。FCHEA に来る前には、エジソン電気協会(EEI)で渉外担当グループディレクターとして働いていました。EE I勤務以前は、国際自動車工業協会の広報担当常務を務めています。国会議事堂の他、政府の行政機関でも働いた経験があります。ジョージ・ワシントン大学を卒業し、ジョージ・メイソン法科大学で法律の学士を取得しています。



カミロ・ウリベ(Camilo Uribe)は、グローバルエネルギー企業においてオペレーション、資産管理、構造化開発などの分野で 20 年以上にわたるリーダーシップ経験のある熟練幹部です。戦略的なアドバイスの提供、倫理・コンプライアンス文化の醸成、目標を効果的に達成するための C-suite とスタッフの指導に情熱を傾けています。2021年にウリベ氏はコロンビア水素協会を共同設立して社長兼会長に選ばれ、後にグラスゴーの COP-26 で、多くの中南米諸国における H₂ 技術開発を加速するための、官民の多地域協定に調印しました。現在、ENGIE コロンビアの社長兼 CEO を務め、再生可能エネルギー、グリーン水素、ガス輸送、送電のプロジェクト開発と実施を通して、企業ビジョンと戦略の策定と実施、会社の方向性の確立、および短期・長期の収益性と成長の舵取りの責任を担っています。




カミロ・ウリベ(Camilo Uribe)は、グローバルエネルギー企業においてオペレーション、資産管理、構造化開発などの分野で 20 年以上にわたるリーダーシップ経験のある熟練幹部です。戦略的なアドバイスの提供、倫理・コンプライアンス文化の醸成、目標を効果的に達成するための C-suite とスタッフの指導に情熱を傾けています。2021年にウリベ氏はコロンビア水素協会を共同設立して社長兼会長に選ばれ、後にグラスゴーの COP-26 で、多くの中南米諸国における H₂ 技術開発を加速するための、官民の多地域協定に調印しました。現在、ENGIE コロンビアの社長兼 CEO を務め、再生可能エネルギー、グリーン水素、ガス輸送、送電のプロジェクト開発と実施を通して、企業ビジョンと戦略の策定と実施、会社の方向性の確立、および短期・長期の収益性と成長の舵取りの責任を担っています。



World Map of PDC Offices
Darren Prosser

PDC Machines Darren Prosser - Director of Global Sales contact photo

電話番号: +1 (484) 269-4211
メールアドレス: Americas@pdcmachines.com

Europe, Middle East & Africa
Darren Prosser

PDC Machines Darren Prosser - Director of Global Sales contact photo

電話番号: +1 (484) 269-4211
メールアドレス: EMEA@pdcmachines.com

Asia Pacific
Tim Meyers

t meyers

電話番号: +61 459 204 598
メールアドレス: AsiaPacific@pdcmachines.com

Mario Otsuka

PDC Machines Mario Otsuka - Japan contact photo

電話番号: +81-90-5131-1783
メールアドレス: Japan@pdcmachines.com



PDC Machines は、インドからの移住者サイ・アフザルが創立しました。規模は小さく、文字通りガレージでの作業でした。




PDC社の将来にとって極めて重要な年– 水素充填プロジェクトの始まり。







Shanghai China



First Lady Michelle Obama recognizes PDC

ミシェル・オバマ大統領夫人は、PDC社の帰還兵の雇用、Joining Forces Initiative への取り組みを評価しています。



最先端の Simple Fuel アプライアンスで、エネルギー省から表彰を受ける。




輸出賞受賞、日本に初のオフィスを開設し、PDC GK のスタートとなる。


ヨーロッパ初の拠点として、ドイツに GmbH を開設。


Arcline Investment Management 社による資本増強



PDC Machines 30 Fretz Road drone photo


PDC Machines 社は、次のカンファレンスに出展します。ダイヤフラム式ガス圧縮、SimpleFuel™、パッケージング能力に関する詳細をお知りになりたい方、またはプロジェクトについてのご相談など、ぜひ当社のブースにお立ち寄りください。皆様のご来場をお待ちしています。

PDC Machines Hyvolution Paris event banner

Hyvolution Paris ∙ January 30, 31 & February 1, 2024

Paris Porte De Versailles, Paris, France

Booth: 4R50

PDC Machines FC Expo Japan event banner

FC Expo Japan ∙ February 28-March 1, 2024

Tokyo Big Sight

Booth: W6-47

PDC Machines Hannover Messe event banner

Hannover Messe ∙ April 22-26, 2024

Hannover, Germany

PDC Machines World Hydrogen Netherlands event banner

World Hydrogen ∙ May 13-15, 2024

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Booth: A20

PDC Machines ACT Expo Nevada event banner

ACT Expo Nevada ∙ May 20-23, 2024

Las Vegas Convention Center

Booth: 2027

PDC Machines HEFC China event banner

HEFC China ∙ May 23-25, 2024

China International Exhibition Center, Beijing

Booth: E1-129

PDC Machines Hydrogen Tech Expo Texas event banner

Hydrogen Tech Expo ∙ June 26-27, 2024

Houston, Texas

Booth: 739

PDC Machines FCVC China event banner

FCVC China ∙ July 7, 2024

Shanghai, China

PDC Machines Gastech Texas event banner

Gastech Texas ∙ September 17-20, 2024

George Brown Convention Center, Houston, Texas

Booth: E151



PDC Machines KPCL Partnership news photo
Press Release
∙ 5月 6, 2024
PDC Machines & KPCL Enter Agreement for Hydrogen Compression in India
PDC Machines, a global supplier of diaphragm compression systems and hydrogen compressors for hydrogen refueling stations, has entered into an agreement with Kirloskar Pneumatic Company Limited (KPCL). prominent in the air, refrigeration and gas compression business in India, to offer diaphragm compressors for various industries and applications throughout India.

The agreement was executed in response to emerging hydrogen compression opportunities in India, where focus has been shifting steadily towards hydrogen for its decarbonization potential. Major government investment in green hydrogen is expected to continue in India through the rest of this decade. Click here to read full article

PDC Machines Philadelphia Eagles with Governor Josh Shapiro unveil kelly green hydrogen fueling station photo
Press Release
∙ 9月 25, 2023
Philadelphia Eagles unveil ‘kelly green’ hydrogen fueling station
The PDC Machines company demonstrated how to refuel their hydrogen-powered Hyundai Nexo at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia on September 22, 2023

A new hydrogen fueling station at the Linc uses water and solar power to produce clean hydrogen for fuel cell vehicles. This story is part of the WHYY News Climate Desk, bringing you news and solutions for our changing region, click here to read the full article

PDC Machines G7 Summit logo
Press Release
∙ 5月 30, 2023
Philadelphia Area Hydrogen Company Attends G7 Conference
PDC Machines recently attended the G7 political forum, a prestigious invite for the US based manufacturer Hiroshima, Japan – The G7 political forum recently came to a close, marking the 49th summit of the landmark intragovernmental conference. Among the attendees was Philadelphia-based manufacturing company PDC Machines. A mid-size company with branches across the world, PDC exhibited at the G7 alongside mainstay Japanese companies introducing hydrogen-related products that contribute to worldwide decarbonization.


Specifically, PDC exhibited SimpleFuel, an all-in-one small-scale hydrogen refueling station that fuels PDC’s vision for today, and that vision is a huge part of why they were invited to the G7: decarbonization through hydrogen.


In Japan, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has established a subsidy program to promote the installation of hydrogen supply facilities for fuel-cell vehicles, and from FY2022, the subsidy program has been extended to include small-scale hydrogen supply facilities such as SimpleFuel. In support of this program, PDC has received orders from Japanese customers for five locations in Japan, and installation is underway.


Compared to wind or solar, hydrogen is a relative newcomer to the green energy stage, but its increased capacity for scale and the urgency of the climate crisis have both brought additional attention to hydrogen as an energy carrier. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in the US, passed in Summer 2022, promises to invest $1.5 billion in hydrogen over the next four years.


It’s with this backdrop that PDC was invited to the G7.


“It was a terrific honor to receive the invite,” said PDC’s Executive Chariman Kareem Afzal. “At PDC, we view hydrogen as one of the keys to creating a sustainable future for generations to come, and we think it’s important for nations around the world, especially the member nations of the G7, to seriously consider a buildout of hydrogen infrastructure. With hydrogen, we have an extremely dense energy carrier with the capacity to scale, making it suited to applications that wind or solar might not be.”


The Executive Chairman also remarked on its role in the Philadelphia metro area.


“Being able to attend such a prestigious conference as a manufacturing company based in the Philadelphia area was also quite an honor. Aside from decarbonization, we view hydrogen as a terrific way to revive US manufacturing power and provide clean, well-paying jobs to a large number of people.”


About PDC


PDC Machines is a world leader and innovator in the design and manufacturing of high-pressure diaphragm compression systems. They are the leading supplier of hydrogen compressors used in hydrogen energy applications worldwide.


PDC serves the hydrogen, compressor, and industrial gas markets. Worldwide, PDC’s installations represent the cutting edge of the hydrogen industry, serving organizations from government to professional sports and universities.


PDC is headquartered in Souderton, PA with additional locations in high-growth hydrogen energy markets including China, Japan, South Korea and the European Union. Founded in 1977 by Sy Afzal, PDC was added to the Arcline Investment Management portfolio in mid 2021.


Diversity, engagement, and inclusion remain at the center of our values. Many of the greatest ideas and discoveries come from a diverse mix of minds, backgrounds and experiences, and we are committed to cultivating an inclusive work environment. At PDC, we devote resources and attention toward engagement, retention, and promotion of the incredible talent we have. The future of our work must be inclusive, and during this unprecedented time when people are facing more challenges than ever before, PDC Machines provides equal opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment.

PDC Machines new CEO group photo
Press Release
∙ 5月 24, 2023
PDC Machines Announces Appointment of New CEO
Today we are pleased to announce the appointment of Marco Caccavale as the new Chief Executive Officer of PDC Machines, and the elevation of Kareem Afzal to the new role of Executive Chairman. PDC Machines is an industrial technology company backed by Arcline Investment Management that combines vision, innovation, and expertise to provide diaphragm compression systems and Hydrogen Fuel Stations to customers worldwide. These strategic leadership changes signify a pivotal moment for PDC Machines as the company positions itself for its next phase of accelerated growth.


As the new CEO, Marco will assume responsibility for all aspects of PDC Machines operations, executing its strategic vision and driving growth and innovation initiatives. With a strong background in executive leadership, Marco brings extensive global experience in building businesses at scale, propelling industrial and energy customers into the energy transition journey, with a proven ability to deliver profitable results.

Marco is an accomplished business leader with 25 years of experience across Europe, North America and Africa. He joins PDC Machines from Baker Hughes, where he served as Chief Commercial Officer Industrial & Energy Technology. Marco has been part of Baker Hughes since the Company’s creation in 2017, where he was a critical part of the successful merger of GE Oil & Gas with Baker Hughes Inc., covering strategic roles including VP On-Offshore Production and LNG in the Turbomachinery and Process Solutions business. Previously, Marco spent 18 years at GE where he held a variety of business leadership, commercial and operational roles including GM Downstream Products and Services – managing a global compression and power business for Refining, Petrochemical and Industrial customers, as well as the President of GE’s Oil & Gas Sub-Saharan Africa regional operation.

Throughout his tenure, Marco successfully drove strategic initiatives to lead businesses into new markets, achieved significant business growth, and fostered a culture of customer service, innovation and operational excellence. Marco's visionary leadership and deep industry knowledge represent an ideal skillset to lead PDC Machines into its next phase of growth.

Simultaneously, Kareem will take on the new role of Executive Chairman of PDC Machines. As Executive Chairman, Kareem will continue to contribute his wealth of experience, industry insights, and deep understanding of the company to support PDC’s path forward.

Commenting on the leadership changes, Arcline said, “Marco brings exceptional leadership capabilities and a customer-centric mindset to PDC Machines. We are confident in his ability to drive the company forward. We also extend our heartfelt appreciation to Kareem Afzal for his remarkable contributions as CEO and look forward to his continued support as Executive Chairman."

Expressing excitement about assuming the role of CEO, Marco stated, "I am honored to lead PDC Machines and work alongside our talented team to build upon the strong foundation laid by Kareem. Together, we will pursue the global vision of decarbonization through hydrogen, powering the future source of clean energy worldwide, and delivering unparalleled value to our customers."

Kareem commented, "I am excited to continue my journey with PDC and support the proud tradition started by my father 45 years ago this year. I intend to collaborate closely with Marco to achieve even greater success driving the company's growth agenda.”

With the combined leadership of Marco as CEO and Kareem as Executive Chairman, PDC Machines is poised to strengthen its market position, expand its reach, and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the hydrogen sector.

About PDC Machines

PDC Machines is a leader and innovator in the design and manufacture of specialty gas compression systems, specializing in Hydrogen energy applications energy applications and Hydrogen Fuel Stations. PDC Machines provides diaphragm gas compressors, systems, Hydrogen Fuel Stations and aftermarket service and parts for the Alternative Energy/Hydrogen, Chemical and Petrochemical (CPI), Specialty Gas, Power Generation, Pharmaceutical, and Semiconductor markets. PDC Machines headquarters office and main manufacturing facility is in Souderton, PA USA with international locations in Japan, China, South Korea, and Germany. Backed by Arcline Investment Management, the company is committed to delivering superior value and industry-leading solutions to its customers.

Arcline is a growth-oriented private equity firm with $8.9 billion in cumulative capital commitments. Arcline seeks to invest in technology-driven, meaningful to the world industrial businesses that enable a better future. For more information visit www.arcline.com.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Jesse Goldberg, Marketing Associate

World Headquarters – 30 Fretz Rd., Souderton, PA 18964 USA (215) 443-9442

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Hynion PDC Machines illustration
Press Release
∙ 8月 26, 2022
Hynion forms partnership with PDC Machines
Hynion has selected PDC Machines as supplier of compressors for new hydrogen filling stations Hynion will build in Västerås and Jönköping in Sweden. The stations represent a new generation with a refueling capacity of dozens of trucks per day, necessitating powerful and robust compressors, which PDC Machines will provide. The stations will deliver hydrogen at both 35 and 70 MPa for light and heavy-duty vehicles.

“We see this partnership as the start of an ambitious, long-term collaboration”, says Ulf Hafseld, CEO of Hynion. “Good dialogue, good products, and good service are important to us. The stations must deliver around the clock, and reliable compressors are indeed critical in this respect”.

The owner of PDC, Kareem Afzal, and Managing Director for the European region, Richard Kennett, both expressed their gratitude for the start of an important, longstanding collaboration with Hynion. “We are delighted to be working in partnership with Hynion and support its vision for a network of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen refueling stations in the Region of North Europe (REN). Our advanced hydrogen compression technology, coupled with Hynion’s unrivalled experience in compressed gases and dispensing, will create a reliable, robust, and cost-effective hydrogen refueling solution,” says Kareem Afzal, CEO of PDC Machines.

The delivery will consist of two powerful compressors for each station, which enable the stations to deliver continuously to trucks and cars that arrive at the stations. The stations will be in operation by Q4, 2023.


Contact info:

Slavica Duric: Managing Director Hynion Sverige AB +46 73-072 60 76, sd@hynion.com

Ulf Hafseld, Managing Director Hynion AS: +47 908 94 153, uh@hynion.com

Danny Vagnoni, Corporate Communication PDC Machines: d.vagnoni@pdcmachines.com


About Hynion

Hynion designs, builds and operates hydrogen stations in and around the largest cities in Scandinavia. The company builds on experiences from the last 20 years, including with world leaders projects such as HyNor, CUTE, Utsira wind / hydrogen, CEP Berlin, SHHP, NewBusFuel and H2ME to name a few. The management of the company also has extensive experience in establishment and operation of start-up companies, as well as years of experience from the car industry.



About PDC Machines

PDC Machines is a world leader and innovator in the design and manufacturing of high-pressure diaphragm compression systems. PDC serves the hydrogen, compressor, and industrial gas markets. Worldwide, PDC’s installations represent the cutting edge of the hydrogen industry, serving organizations from government to professional sports and universities. PDC Machines work closely with its customers from design phase to commissioning.


PDC Machines Inflation Reduction Act photo
Press Release
∙ 8月 17, 2022
PDC Machines responds to the Inflation Reduction Act
The Biden administration signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 into law, promising a suite of climate protections and investments in clean energy. Among these promises is a commitment to H2 energy and fuel cell electric vehicles, creating high-quality jobs and accelerating the decarbonization of the U.S. economy from industry to mobility.

“The Inflation Reduction Act is a watershed piece of legislation,” said PDC Machines CEO Kareem Afzal. “This bill addresses two points of anxiety for Americans at once: the creation of high-quality jobs and the role of climate change in their daily lives. We can supercharge economic growth with jobs in the hydrogen sector while decarbonizing the U.S. economy, which the IPCC reports needs to be at net-zero by 2050 to avoid the worst scenario.”

“Hydrogen is one of the fastest growing technological sectors in green energy, and with this bill is poised to explode in size and viability. PDC Machines intends to be the tip of the spear in hydrogen with our industry-leading technologies and world-class workforce.”

The Inflation Reduction Act introduces a 10-yr tax credit for clean H2 and H2 energy storage, revises the clean vehicle credit to include H2 fuel-cell vehicles, and expands the clean energy station tax credit, among other investments in clean energy.

About PDC Machines

PDC Machines is a world leader and innovator in the design and manufacturing of high-pressure diaphragm compression systems. They are the leading supplier of hydrogen compressors used in hydrogen energy applications worldwide.

PDC serves the hydrogen, compressor, and industrial gas markets. Worldwide, PDC’s installations represent the cutting edge of the hydrogen industry, serving organizations from government to professional sports and universities.

Speaking at National Hydrogen Fuel Cell Dayplay
Press Release
∙ 10月 6, 2021
National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day in Pennsylvania
Watch the video of Representative Schroeder’s comments on the House Floor.
SimpleFuel Hydrogen Fueling Station
Press Release
∙ 8月 25, 2021
PDC Machines and Ivys Energy Solutions are collaborating with Australian partner ENGV to deliver a SimpleFuelFast at CSIRO’s Victorian Hydrogen Hub in Melbourne
PDC Machines and Ivys Energy Solutions are collaborating with Australian partner ENGV to deliver a SimpleFuelFast at CSIRO’s Victorian Hydrogen Hub in Melbourne. PDC and Ivys jointly design and manufacture equipment solutions for the hydrogen market. ENGV, our local Australian partner based in Melbourne, will provide the local integration, installation, and ongoing operational services for the station.

A SimpleFuelFast station enables quicker adoption of zero-emission fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) by providing communities, businesses, and fleet operators a convenient hydrogen fueling option. It is an all-in-one solution customized for CSIRO to include 20 kg/day production through PEM electrolysis, compression, cascade storage up to 1000 bar, chilling for fast fills, 700 bar dispensing, controls, safeties, and factory certification. The refueling station is a key milestone for CSIRO’s Hydrogen Industry Mission as it to supports Australia’s clean hydrogen industry development.

“The goal of CSIRO’s Hydrogen Industry Mission is to support the vision of a clean and competitive hydrogen industry for Australia. We will do this by delivering research, development, and demonstration partnerships which help make Australia’s hydrogen markets a reality. We are excited to be working with ENGV, PDC Machines, and IVYS Energy Solutions to establish this hydrogen refueling system as a “real world” hydrogen technology demonstration as part of our Victorian Hydrogen Hub initiative with Swinburne University,” said Dr Patrick Hartley, Leader of CSIRO Hydrogen Industry Mission.

CSIRO’s Victorian Hydrogen Hub in Melbourne model photo

“SimpleFuelFast is the most cost-effective, compact station on the market and offers all stages of hydrogen fueling from onsite production to fast-fill dispensing. This station complements the roll-out of large station networks to ensure hydrogen availability that is critical for large-scale adoption of fuel cell vehicles,” said Jim Petrecky, PDC’s VP Sales for Hydrogen Energy.

“ENGV is delighted to continue its success in delivering hydrogen projects in Australia as this project with CSIRO will be the third hydrogen refueling station delivered by the ENGV, PDC Machines, and IVYS Inc partnership in Australia” said ENGV’s CEO, Sean Blythe. “We are very excited to work with CSIRO and contribute to the Hydrogen Industry Mission. The deployment of SimpleFuelFast demonstrates the ability for this innovative technology to reduce global emissions through the transition of transport to zero-emission fuel cell technologies.”

PDC Machines and Philadelphia Eagles hydrogen energy partnership photo
Press Release
∙ 2月 25, 2020
PDC Machines to Equip Lincoln Financial Field with Green Hydrogen Energy Through New Sustainability Partnership
The Philadelphia Eagles have announced a new sustainability partnership with technology provider PDC Machines. As part of the deal, PDC Machines will look to equip Lincoln Financial Field with green hydrogen energy through a SimpleFuel hydrogen refueling unit. The SimpleFuel hydrogen station, which has been designed to take only the inputs of water and electricity to produce clean hydrogen fuel, will power vehicles and material handling equipment in an effort to further reduce the stadium’s carbon footprint.

The Philadelphia Eagles have announced a new sustainability partnership with technology provider PDC Machines. As part of the deal, PDC Machines will look to equip Lincoln Financial Field with green hydrogen energy through a SimpleFuel hydrogen refueling unit.

The SimpleFuel hydrogen station, which has been designed to take only the inputs of water and electricity to produce clean hydrogen fuel, will power vehicles and material handling equipment in an effort to further reduce the stadium’s carbon footprint.


EDITOR’S NOTE: To download photos of the green hydrogen energy partnership, please click here. Photo credit can be attributed to the Philadelphia Eagles.

“Our partnership with PDC Machines is a tremendous opportunity to strengthen our sustainable management practices,” said Don Smolenski, Philadelphia Eagles President. “Fueling our vehicles and operational equipment with clean hydrogen energy is an exciting new component of our comprehensive efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.”

Through the team’s robust Go Green program, the Eagles have been producing their own clean power onsite since 2013. A micro-grid of 10,456 solar panels have helped generate more than 24 million kilowatt hours, positioning Lincoln Financial Field to be among the greenest major sports facilities in the world.

“Today, the Philadelphia Eagles take the next step in their sustainability endeavor by implementing a cutting-edge energy storage medium,” said Kareem Afzal, Vice President of PDC Machines. “By pioneering practical and novel approaches to reducing their footprint, the Philadelphia Eagles again lead the athletic community – and broader business world – in sustainability, preserving their local community and setting an example for the world to follow. PDC is thrilled to enter into this partnership to show the world on a grand stage the opportunities that are present with hydrogen as a green energy carrier.”

The Eagles’ Go Green program has been nationally-recognized for its commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly measures. In December 2018, Lincoln Financial Field became LEED Gold certified by the U.S. Green Building Council for implementing practical and measurable strategies and solutions aimed at achieving high performance in: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality. A few months earlier, in June 2018, the Eagles became the first professional sports team to achieve ISO 20121 certification, which is an international standard designed to help organizations in the events and hospitality industry integrate sustainability into management practices and processes.

About PDC Machines

PDC Machines is a U.S.-based technology provider of high pressure diaphragm compressors, founded in 1977. Our mission is to provide state-of-the-art green energy technology to an evolving world and promote clean hydrogen energy as a scalable solution to climate change, all while creating green jobs. Fore more information, visit www.PDCMachines.com.

Congratulations letter from U.S. Senator Bob Mensch:

PDC Machines Senator Mensch congratulations letter